
Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Confessional MK Style

I am excited that Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition is hosting her Friday Confessional link-up this week. I have a lot to get off my chest. Ha Ha.

I confess that I am obsessed with the thought of decorating with my initials. I'm in search of a large "K" but I found this huge "M" in Antropologie but it's a bit out of my price range and did I mention that it's huge!

I confess that I also fell in love with this vase while at Anthropologie.

I may be considering re-decorating an entire room in my house around this vase. Gorgeous!

I confess that every time I hear Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen I immediately start singing the version from the Bob & Tom show - Black Bonnet Girls by The Electric Amish. I was such a fan in high school that I bought their album on cassette tape!

Ohhh, you gonna finish all your chores
Black bonnet girls you make the Amish world go round

I couldn't find it on YouTube but I did find the audio recording of their smash hit Give Me Three Pigs. Check it out here.

I confess that I had some great sushi this week and that I really need to practice using chopsticks!

It was quite tasty but I couldn't keep the darn stuff between my chopsticks. Even my coworker who had to teach herself how to use them left-handed was better than me. I may now have a practice set at home so I don't embarrass myself next time we lunch on sushi.

I confess that I looked forward to today all week, not just because of the weekend but also because I could wear jeans to work! After 3 days at home last week living in my super comfy fleece pants, it almost killed me to dress for work this week.

How quickly we can become used to comfy clothes. I may have worn those comfy fleece pants on multiple days and to places I probably shouldn't games, the bank, basically in public!

I confess that I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning when I can put my comfy pants on again.

Night all!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

International Woman of Leisure

My boss once asked me what my career goals were. What job did I aspire to?

My answer: International Woman of Leisure

Probably not my smartest answer, but it's the truth.

What is an International Woman of Leisure, you ask.

She is financially independent (i.e. wealthy). She travels freely to exotic places. She has no obligations that she does not choose for herself.

After enjoying a few days off work this week, my resolve has not changed.

Having no real obligations on my time for 4 full days...heaven. Taking my time to do a bit of cleaning and organizing...not stressful. Spending a day shopping and then meeting a friend for a late lunch...awesome.

I aspire to be an International Woman of Leisure.

Let me be clear. If you work from home or stay at home with your children, you are not an International Woman of Leisure. You work HARD and I know it!

I know what you are thinking...what are you doing to make this career goal happen?

My answer? Not much but maybe my lottery numbers will hit this week.

Of course, I need to remember to buy a ticket today!

If your boss asked you on Monday what your career goal is, what would you say?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lorelei Gilmore is My BFF

I receive Mama Kat's Weekly Writing Prompts, well weekly, but I rarely act on them.

However, when I read this week's email, I knew I had to jump in with both feet.

Here's the assignment:
Share 5 Fictional Friends you'd want in real life. (Movie/Book/TV etc.)

Wow, how to narrow it down to just five?

It was tough, but here is my list countdown style:

5.  Penny from the Big, Bang Theory

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

She drinks a LOT of wine AND has ready access to a rockin' IT department. She is a great foil to the geekiness that is Sheldon, Leonard, Raj and Wolowitz! Girls Night with Penny, Bernadette and Amy would be so much fun.

4.  Rapunzel from Tangled

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

Not only does she have magic hair, she knows how to use a frying pan. She is probably my favorite Disney character ever! I could hang out in the palace and NEVER worry about security when she's around.

3.  Elnora from A Girl of the Limberlost by Indiana author Gene Stratton-Porter

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

This is my all-time favorite book ever. Elnora is a strong young woman who overcomes a tough home life. She'd be a steadfast friend who I could count on in almost any situation, especially if I get lost in the woods! Best of all, she's from Indiana so we could get together often.

2.  Maggie from Born in Fire by Nora Roberts

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

Maggie is one tough Irish woman. She is artistic. She is temperamental. She is loyal. All the makings of a very good, entertaining friend. Also, she could teach me how to make glass paper weights!

And drumroll please...

1. Lorelei from Gilmore Girls

Source: via Robin on Pinterest

Does this pick really need any reason behind it? She is just the ultimate friend. Witty dialogue, great fashion sense and a lover of junk food and movies!

But, my main reason for choosing Lorelei as my BFF (best fictional friend) is Stars Hollow and the cast of characters that call it home. Who wouldn't want to sit in Luke's and hear the town gossip from Miss Patti and Babettte before heading to the Firefly Inn to annoy Michele and sample Sookie's food, all while waiting for Kirk to do some quirky!

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

This was such a fun post to ponder. If I had a sixth selection, it would have totally been either Phoebe from Friends for the pure entertainment OR Carrie from SATC for the wardrobe!

Mama’s Losin’ It

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday Tired Style

I'm loving that harvest has started in my neck of the woods! It's still early in the season, but I did catch Dad unloading the last of the corn in his first field last week.

Unfortunately, the crop has been affected by the drought that many of us experienced this summer so harvest will probably be much quicker this year. However, we are thankful that there IS a crop out there. Many farmers can't say the same this year.

I'm loving that I have the next four days off of work! I have a silly habit of hoarding my vacation time until the end of the year (our year end is 9/30) and then having to take several days off so as not to lose them. Luckily, I work for corn & soybean farmers and they are a bit busy right now (see above) so our office slows down a bit this time of year.

I'm loving that I spent my first day of vacation with my two nieces and one nephew as a stand-in babysitter. We built a cool sheet tent behind my big red couch. Why? Because my nephew asked me to.

We had a good time, even with my youngest niece deciding to "paint" herself with her own poo (sorry for the oversharing but I had to) during her afternoon nap.

I'm loving that my baby sister asked me what I got done today. I told her that I watched a 19-month-old, 23-month-old and a 4-year-old. That's what I got done today! That and some browsing on Pinterest...

I'm loving that Starbucks has decided to load their free drink rewards coupon (that will come after 12 drinks, not 15) right to my card instead of sending me a postcard. I swear that I don't always get them!

However, I'm quite sad that they are taking away the free syrups. I may have to start re-considering my signature drink OR try to re-create it at home like I did this morning...

I'm loving that I spent last Friday night with a handful of ladies - both farm gals and not - touring some wonderful farms in Johnson County, Indiana - including Keegan Poe's farm in Franklin. He talked to us about how he raises his cattle, how he sells freezer beef, pork & lamb direct to consumers, and we visited the pasture to meet his herd, including this gal (or fellow, I'm not sure).

We finished the farm tours at Mallow Run Winery in Bargersville and learned that unlike the corn and soybeans, Indiana wine grapes endured and even flourished in this summer's drought. After the tour of the vineyards and the wine-making barn (not sure what to call it), we even got to taste! Yum.

I may or may not have taken 4 bottles (the box fits 4 bottles!) home with me and wishing I bought a couple others.

I'm loving linking up to What I'm Loving Wednesday over at this kind of love.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Want to Play the Glad Game with Me

A couple of weeks ago, my Sunday afternoon got high jacked when I innocently flipped through the channels and caught the beginning of the movie Pollyanna on the Hallmark Channel.

Pollyanna is one of a handful of movies that if I see them playing on TV, I must stop whatever I'm doing and watch them. Others include You've Got Mail, The Proposal, Beaches and Baby Boom (don't ask me why the last one, it drove my college roommate CRAZY).

I just can't resist Hayley Mills (don't get me started about Parent Trap) and her sunny disposition in this 1960 Disney movie based on a novel written in 1913.

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

I couldn't believe it when in a conversation with a couple of coworkers the younger of the group admitted never having watched this classic! I gave her a quick synopsis of the movie, including all about the glad texts and the glad game Pollyanna teaches the entire town of seriously unhappy people. 

The above conversation got me thinking about my attitude and how I rarely look at the positive - or glad - side of a situation. I started wondering why this is and I came up with a few thoughts:
  • My job is focused on following the news and all the messages out there about the industry I represent and the messages that I most often have to focus on are the ones that are negative. Oh, to have one day when only GOOD news can be reported and shared about any and everything!
  • I tend to think about the obstacles or barriers to getting projects accomplished. Not so much because I am negative, but to have a clear picture of what we are up against and how to overcome them. Sometimes that comes off as being a Negative Nelly. 
  • Part of me is just a Negative Nelly. No ifs, ands, or buts. I just tend to complain more than I should. Not sure why, but there I've admitted it. That's the first step to recovery, right?

These revelations have spurred me to embark on my own version of Pollyanna's glad game, where she looked for something to be glad about in everything that came her way.

I am sure that my nickname will NEVER be "PollyMegan" or that I will completely overcome my tendency to complain about things that annoy me. However, I do plan to try and find something - anything - positive in situations that at first seem hopeless to me.

Wish me luck or join me in this attempt at gladness.

We'll either become cheerful people who annoy others or go down on flames while complaining about all the reasons we couldn't stay glad. Either way, it should be interesting!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I just ran across the movie Hoosiers on my TV...yet another movie that I just can't resist. A drunk Dennis Hopper, a cranky Gene Hackman and a court full of boys in short shirts. Heaven for this Indiana girl!

See already found something to be glad about. This is going to be easy...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Version of Heaven in a Bowl

My favorite holiday treat to eat make is this White Chocolate Snack Mix.

I try and limit my consumption to the holiday season because it usually disappears several hours after it's made. And most of it goes into my mouth!

But I had some fall M&Ms on the counter and a tray of Almond Bark in the cabinet. So...

Instead of the regular or Multigrain Cheerios, I used a mix of Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cheerios.

I didn't have pretzel sticks or peanuts either so I just crunched up some mini twists and added more graham cracker cereal (it's my favorite part) to the mix.

Isn't this just a table full of heaven right here?

To save myself the gaining of 5 pounds, I took a huge bowl to my sister's house and introduced my nieces to the mix - it was a hit. Though I kept a small bowl home with me!

Here's the ratio of goodies that I used in the mix this time:

6 cups of graham cracker cereal
2 cups of crunched up pretzels
2 1/2 cups of Peanut Butter Cheerios
2 1/2 cups of Chocolate Cheerios
1 bag of M&Ms
1 tray of almond bark

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grandma's Underwear Drawer

I was 26 years old when I lost my Grandpa H. 

Grandpa K, Grandpa H

He was the first of my grandparents to pass away. 

I was 34 years old when I lost my Granny H.

Granny H & one of her 17 great-children

She was the last of my grandparents to pass away.

I was lucky to have them with me for so long. I was lucky that they played a central role in my life from the day I was born until they left this world.

I was devastated when they were all gone. I still am.

Granny H, me & Grandma K

As I thought about it being Grandparent's Day today, I thought about what they meant to me over the years. They were my (and my sisters & cousins) biggest fans. I don't think I will ever experience the unconditional love like I did from them - especially my Grandpa K. 

Grandpa K knew we were the smartest, prettiest, most athletic (my younger sisters, not me) girls around. He never said it, but we knew. I miss that.

I had a hard time putting my thoughts into words here tonight. So, I grabbed a pen and notepad and wrote a list of memories I have of my grandparents. 

Spinning in granny's green chair until I was dizzy.

Putting on talent shows (actually my older sister & cousin played the Gong Show) in grandma & grandpa K's living room that made the floors bounce and the china in the cabinet rattle.

Making homemade Valentine's Day cards with paper doilies and stickers at granny's table.

Sitting on grandma's step at the farm watching dad go home for lunch (he forgot us sometimes).

Sneaking in grandma K's bedroom and eating M&Ms from a butter dish hidden in her underwear drawer. (What? Your grandma didn't keep M&Ms in her underwear drawer? Maybe she did and you just didn't find them!)

Learning what indian burns and "milking the mouse" meant when grandpa H tricked me into giving him my arm. 

Finding a dollar bill in my birthday card from grandma & grandpa K each year.

Driving granny to the nursing home the summer when grandpa was in rehab from a broken hip.

Sitting on the porch with grandma & grandpa K just visiting.

Taking Chinese food to granny's for supper and leaving with a list of CDs she wanted.

 Granny & Grandpa H and me

I still think about them daily.

I wish I could let them know how much I love them.

I wish I could go grab some M&Ms from grandma's underwear drawer.

Friday, September 7, 2012

My Heart Shutters

It's Friday!


I'm not sure I can put together a "real" blog post this afternoon (or ever) so it's time for just a quick lovefest on a cool new tool  toy I discovered this week.

Do you have an iPhone? Do you use it as your camera ALL THE TIME? Do all of your photos just sit in your camera roll because you never download them to your computer?

If you said yes to any or all of the above questions, do I have a solution for you!

Shutterfly has app that allows you to upload the photos saved in your camera roll (including your Instagram shots) directly to your Shutterfly account.

My older sister - a busy mother of 3 boys - is in LOVE with this app. She has actually done a couple of photo books since she downloaded the app. This is a big deal because I have a stack of half completed scrapbook pages in my closet from my oldest nephew's 2nd year of life and he's 11 years old!

Another cool thing about the app is that I can also post my photos to my Shutterfly Shared Site so my sisters can grab my photos to use in their books, collages and prints. Like this Instagram collage my sister put together...

I'm looking forward to actually putting together a fun photobook from this year thanks to this app! Maybe even make my own Instagram collage.

Do you use this app? Any tips or drawbacks to using it?

Any other photo upload app that you like to use? If so, share please!

Disclaimer: All the opinions in this post are my own (as always). Shutterfly in no way, shape or form asked me to share these thoughts with you. I just felt like sharing! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday Loves September Style

I'm loving that my Sweet Autumn Clematis is blooming like CRAZY this week. So pretty.

I'm loving that it is already Wednesday and the weekend is just around the corner. Oh the possibilities.

I'm loving that I got a $10 Starbucks card for $5 with this Living Social deal. It's like getting a free drink! And yes, I spend $5 on a drink and I'm OK with that. (I think it's good until midnight tonight!)

I'm loving the Purdue has its own Pinterest account and that I found this on it.

I'm loving this title - Because writing is easier than quitting - from DesignHER Momma. I read it. I nodded my head at some of her words. I blinked back tears at others. I understood where she was coming from. This post is why I love being part of this online community.

I'm loving that I had some time to spend with my nieces at my parents' farm. We actually stopped and smelled the flowers.

Linking up to What I'm Loving Wednesday over at this kind of love.